Knights of Columbus

Who are the Knights?

Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their church.

Knights share camaraderie with men who hold values similar to yours. Knights are involved with your community, they support your local Catholic Church and its causes, while deepening their faith.  They believe in protecting and enhancing their family life.

The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic lay organization with more than 1.9 million members and 13,000 councils located throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Poland, and several other countries.

Council 1074

On January 29, 1906 Wilmington Council 1074 became the third council chartered in northern Carolina.  From here, many councils in Southeastern North Carolina can trace their start. We have been active helpers to our church and community for over 118 years.

The Knights, so well nicknamed as the “strong right arm of the church” are also known as a helping hand in our community.  Our council sponsors, conducts, financially supports or supplies volunteers to many charitable programs in our community.

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