Liturgical Ministry

Eucharistic Minister

Assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during the Eucharistic Liturgy.

John Walsh, (910) 762-5491 x1114


Men and women proclaim the word of God and give church announcements at the weekend and holy day liturgies.

John Walsh, (910) 762-5491 x114

Camillus Minister

Bring communion to those who are unable to attend Mass.

Ministry Coordinators:

Glenn Moser ( for NHRMC and LCFH

Norma Rivera ( for the Hispanic Camillus Ministry. 910-762-5491, x122 

Visit the homebound elderly or sick as well as parishioners who are nursing home patients to offer prayers and Holy Communion.

Barbara Russo ( for Nursing Homes & Private Homes

Altar Server

Boys and girls who have reached Grade 3 are invited to serve at our weekend liturgies and other special liturgical functions.

John Walsh, (910) 762-5491, x114


Volunteer ushers greet and open doors for parishioners as they enter the church, distribute church bulletins, escort parishioners to empty seats and provide directions to the nursery, rest room, etc.

They also collect and secure the collections.

Harry Bielawa, (910) 231-1480


Hours of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the month immediately following the 8:30 Mass – 10:00am.

Weekend Masses Sacristans

Saturday: 5:30 PM: Keith Hartung

Sunday: 08:00 AM: William Beall

                  10:30 AM: Charles Hite

                   12:00 PM: Orbelín Santos 

                                         Hilario Sanchez 

Minister Schedule





Minister Schedule – July 2022  



7/2/22 – 7/3/22 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time 


5:30 p.m.   Saturday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Lynn Collette

                                                                                 Robert Corriston




                                 Reader:                                Bruce Teeling



9:00 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Frank Bua

                                                                                 Larry Dezio




                                 Reader:                                Barbara Habib




10:30 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Jim Cavanaugh

                                                                                 Patty Cavanaugh




                                 Reader:                                Shane Fernando





7/9/22 – 7/10/22 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


5:30 p.m.   Saturday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Keith Hartung

                                                                                 Sharon Hartung




                                 Reader:                                Mike Arcaro



9:00 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Lee Parker

                                                                                 Sharon Parker




                                 Reader:                                Karen Berger



10:30 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Jim Adams

                                                                                 Christine Coco




                                 Reader:                                Lynn Collette

 7/16//22 – 7/17//22 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


5:30 p.m.   Saturday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Sally Mauney

                                                                                 Bruce Teeling




                                 Reader:                            Greg Hohl

9:00 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Margaret Gambino

                                                                                 Terri Young




                                 Reader:                                Pat Marriott



10:30 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Samantha Squires

                                                                                 Matt Warzel




                                 Reader:                                Charles Hite




7/23/22 – 7/24/22 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


5:30 p.m.   Saturday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          David Polovick

                                                                                 Francine Polovick

                                                                                 David Thompson



                                 Reader:                                Patrick Kehoe



9:00 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Jackie Young

                                                                                 Patty Williams

                                                                                 Richard Keegan



                                 Reader:                                James Zier



10:30 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers           Tom Bruhn

                                                                                 Teresa Breslin

                                                                             Betty Pierce



                                 Reader:                                Christine Coco



7/30/22 – 7/31/22 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time 


5:30 p.m.   Saturday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Fran Szalay

                                                                                 JoAnn Winn




                                 Reader:                                Angela Arcaro



9:00 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Clara Dittmer

                                                                                 Phyllis Eisenhaurer




                                 Reader:                                Glenn Moser




10:30 a.m.   Sunday

                                 Eucharistic Ministers:          Bathsheba Flood

                                                                                 Tim Pollock




                                 Reader:                                Simone Amato